The story of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars begins in the year of 2047, roughly sixteen to seventeen years after the events of Firestorm. While the conflict between the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod appears to have subsided substantially ever since, Tiberium infestation has begun to reach critical levels and continues to destroy the Earth's ecosystems at an alarming rate, prompting GDI to divide the world into three different geographical zones based on the levels of local infestation.[3] 30% of the world's surface has been designated as "red zones", which have suffered the worst contamination and can no longer support human - or otherwise carbon-based - life. 50% of the regions in the world have been designated as "yellow zones", which are dangerously contaminated yet contain most of the world's population.
Decades of war and civil unrest have left these regions in a state of social collapse and have continued to provide the Brotherhood of Nod with opportunity for concealment as well as large-scale recruitment over the years. The remaining 20% of the Earth's surface is unscarred by Tiberium outbreak and is relatively untouched by war. These "blue zones" are considered the last refuge and hope of the human civilized world and have been placed under the direct protection of the Global Defense Initiative.
In March 2047 the Brotherhood of Nod suddenly fires a nuclear missile at GDI's orbiting command station "Philadelphia", destroying the fulcrum of GDI's senior command structure in a single major blow. Since the end of the Second Tiberium War, Nod has silently built up its influence and its military potential into the status of a true superpower, and is now supported by a majority of the world's population through medical aid, enforcement of stability and hate-mongering against GDI and the "blue zone" populations from within the "yellow zone" territories. Unprepared to handle the offensives led by Black Hand shock troops across the entire globe, the remainder of the Global Defense Initiative's top military and political officials on Earth take charge and begin rallying all of their standing forces, determined to achieve a new victory over Nod.
As the conflict ensues however, forces of alien origins, the Scrin, will suddenly enter the battle and alter the nature of the Third Tiberium War entirely. The precise connection between these alien creatures and the Tiberium substance, as well as the original conflict between the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod, still remains to be unveiled.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
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